Before you apply

1. You should be aware that the remediation process is highly intrusive. Click the following link to view photos that illustrate the typical works

2. You should consider whether you satisfy the conditions of eligibility and accept the provisions of the Scheme as detailed in the Pyrite Remediation Scheme document.

3. Note that the Pyrite Remediation Scheme is based on damage to the dwelling - the presence of pyrite alone is not sufficient to meet the conditions of eligibility. Therefore, prior to making the application, a Building Condition Assessment must be undertaken to assess the damage to your dwelling. A Damage Condition Rating of 2 is required in order to meet the Scheme’s eligibility criteria.


Information Leaflet for Homeowners

The Information Leaflet for Homeowners is meant to help you to form a reliable opinion about the damage in your dwelling. It describes the factors to consider before obtaining a Building Condition Assessment from a competent person.

  Synopsis of Conditions of Eligibility

  Building Condition Assessment

  How do I select a competent person to carry out the Building Condition Assessment?