Customer Charter

Our Customer Charter sets out our commitments to our customers.

Commitment to You
To deliver a high quality, effective and efficient service. Strategic objectives include processing and determination of applications within a reasonable time period, having regard to the complexities that each case will present and the timely delivery of the remediation programme.

Courtesy and Consideration
To endeavour to deliver quality services with courtesy, sensitivity and minimum delay, fostering a climate of mutual respect between the customer and the organisation. You can help us by also being respectful and courteous in your dealings with staff.

Independence, Openness and Impartiality
To commit to deliver a scheme which is clear and transparent. The aim is to give full and accurate information in a manner that suits you.

To monitor and evaluate performance on a continual basis and examine the development and delivery of services in order to meet customers’ needs.

Delivery of Remediation
To remediate the damage caused by pyritic heave to an acceptable standard with minimum disruption to the occupants.

To facilitate applicants who wish to appeal the decision to refuse their application in an appeals process, and for the determination of appeals in a fair, transparent and timely manner.

To endeavor to maintain an open, accessible, and responsive system of dealing with complaints and to facilitate comments and suggestions from customers on the quality of service provided.